Saturday, June 6, 2009

I've got the travel bug and it's driving me crazy.

I remember the first time I flew on a plane. I think I was 23 years old at the time and the flight was a cross country trip from Hartford, CT to Portland, OR. I was heading out west to Astoria, OR. I'm a big fan of the kids film "The Goonies" and enjoyed it since I was a kid. Actually, for the longest time I forgot about it but then I found the website These guys live in California and they decided to head up to Astoria and visit the film locations. Not only that but they made a great video of their trip called "Goonies Vacation" that combined a bit of footage from the Chevy Chase film and the Goonies film into their trip. Really great creative stuff. Well done.

Well, after seeing that video I had memories of the movie come back to me. I went out and bought it on dvd. Okay back to the travel part of this. Eventually I planned a trip of my own out to Astoria, OR and that's what lead to me taking my first plane trip all the way from one side of the country to the other. Not bad for a first flight huh?

I'll post more about my trip to Astoria in another entry, complete with plenty of photos. Actually it'll take more than just one blog entry for that.

But anyway, as the title says I have the travel bug. What's the travel bug? It's simple. It means I really have the urge to travel somewhere far off.

The biggest trips I've been on have been to Astoria, OR and two trips to Vienna, Austria.

My first trip to Vienna was to marry a beautiful Viennese woman who had fallen in love with me. We've been married for 3 years now since that amazing trip and amazing day. She's a wonderful woman and amazing wife!

The second time I went to Vienna was to visit her while we were waiting for the immigration process to go through. Vienna is such a beautiful city. Now I've never been to Paris, but everyone seems to make a big deal over it. Vienna doesn't seem to get mentioned a lot on travel shows. It almost seems like it's a bit of a hidden gem. I loved being in Vienna. I love the food, the public transportation, the old style buildings and the museums. And the Cathedrals are amazing! I wish Vienna were closer. I'd go there every weekend or more. If I could I'd go there every couple months now honestly, but that would be a bit expensive. The long flight it worth the wait and the experience.

Right now I want so much to visit there again. It would be nice for my wife and I to visit her family there and to have some real time to spend together getting to know each other even more.

Another place I'd love to take my wife to is Hawaii. I've never been there before but I think we'd enjoy it a lot. From what we've seen on television and heard from friends it's pretty beautiful out there and I don't doubt that for a minute.

Hm. Where else would I want to go? The U.K. I'd love to visit there. I'm not at all crazy about the extreme amount of surveillance that they have going on over there with the cameras all over the city streets and all, but I'd still love to visit. Maybe it's the typical thing to want to do, but I'd love to see Buckingham Palace, visit Stonehenge, check out the Tower of London, go on the London eye, visit museums and more. My wife and I would probably visit some Doctor Who locations too because we're nerdy like that. LOL

Right now I wish my wife and I were on a flight to some far off place. Austria, Hawaii, the U.K. wherever. There are too many places to list here that I'd love to visit. I really enjoy watching the travels of Samantha Brown, and Anthony Bourdain, on the Travel Channel. Watching their programs is fun but lately it's a little annoying too. It's nothing to do with them personally. It's nothing to do with the quality of the shows either. I enjoy watching them but I get this "Let's go!!!" urge running through me that frustrates and excites me all at the same time. I'm happy to have been on the trips I've gone on. Though they were just to a few places it's opened me up to a bigger world that I want to continue to explore. I'll post blogs on the trips I've been on so far later.

There's so much to see on this little ball of blue and brown we call Earth. I know I could never see it all but I'd sure like to try.


  1. Quit your moaning and get on a plane and come over already! lol It's a little different being here where I have to go 2,500 miles to visit anywhere else. That's what happens when I live on the most isolated land mass on the planet! Who cares if gas goes to $5 a gallon--I can't go anywhere anyway! They took away our super ferry to the neighbor islands so we are back at the mercy of overpriced inter-island flights.

  2. Why the heck did they take away the ferry??
